Meet Mike


Hi, I’m Mike Goodrich.
I’ll talk with you in first person because we all know that everyone writes their own websites, right? (-: So saying things like “Mike Goodrich has been teaching for over 30 years” sounds pretty silly… even though I actually have been teaching voice for over 30 years! Doesn’t it make more sense for me to just tell you that myself? I’ll include a short bio at the end of this in case you’re interested and you can see on this page a few folks I've had the joy of working with.
What does this all have to do with creating the Inner Singer?
Well, after many years of teaching I began to see a pattern with a lot of my students, and students of other teachers I was teaching at the time.
It was an inability of some students to see and hear their own progress. I noticed singers giving in to all their negative self-talk as well as losing the joy of singing that once had filled their heart.
My wife, Jennifer Winters Goodrich saw these things in singers much sooner than I did and is a FANTASTIC teacher as well! You should definitely check out her page!(But now back to me.)
To assist these singers, I developed the Inner Singer because it became obvious that even with the most powerful, effective, time-proven technique on the planet, singers would often get to the point where they just couldn’t go any further with their voice. I finally realized – it wasn’t about the voice!
Over 30 years of experience as a voice teacher has given me the ability to run someone’s voice. (That’s actually not as far out as it sounds.) An analogy would be as if you had a plane but didn’t know how to fly it. The teacher would sit on the pilot’s side with the controls and would actually be flying the plane, and you’d be on the co-pilot side with the other controls in your hand and you’d have all the feelings, experiences and sensations of flying, but you wouldn’t really be flying the plane. The teacher would be in control. And that’s pretty much what I do with the voice.
When I run somebody’s voice through a specific vocalization regime it takes them into different areas of the voice they’ve never been in, different experiences they’ve never had and different parts of themselves they’ve never experienced. And that’s the most important point. Because if their inner subconscious belief about who they are isn’t consistent with the new vocal potential they’re experiencing – they won’t accept it. It’ll make them uncomfortable.
I can guide them into new heights of vocalism quickly but often I find:
They’ve been told (and believed) that they “can’t sing that way”, or
They’ve been nervous singing before, or
They’ve never experienced these great things about themselves, or
They’ve been embarrassed, self-conscious or humiliated.
In these kinds of cases, their inner belief about themselves, their subconscious belief doesn’t match with what they’re experiencing vocally, and so they’ll figure out a way to sabotage it. Or they just won’t do it. They won’t accept it.
I’ve noticed for many years how somebody will just go so far and not further. Or somebody keeps coming in with the same baggage. Or somebody gets so close but doesn’t get the major part. Or why somebody can come in every week and I can run their voice beautifully and show them what their potential is, but they can’t find that voice on their own and they can’t utilize it in song. They can’t use it in an audition or in a performance.

I’ve seen the mental blocks and I’ve seen many people reach their limitations. I’ve seen them come up to “this is what I believe about myself and I can’t take this any further.” And I was yearning to be able help these people. I thought, here I have the best vocal technique on the planet – I’m a very experienced teacher – but this isn’t about the voice!
This was always fascinating and frankly, sad to me – and I realized that something had to be done. So I did a tremendous amount of research on human potential, the latest brain research, learning strategies and techniques that have been used by the US Olympic Team and NASA, plus my own 30 plus years in spirituality and personal growth, and I took these and customized them and put them into a synergistic system called The Inner Singer. And the synergy between these protocals makes learning and progress unbelievably accelerated and predictable.